The design and manufacturing of integrated circuits has long since evolved from large-scale to ultra-large-scale. With technological progress, the storage unit may exceed ten trillion bytes per square centimeter. With such a high density, even if the dust particle falling on the production line is only one-thousandth the diameter of a hair, it would deal a fatal blow to the quality of semiconductor products like placing a boulder on the track of a high-speed train. Creating an ultra-clean space is a solution to this problem. Now we are able to successfully filter 0.1µm particles, and have filled the blank that semiconductor factories cannot be built in coastal areas due to the high salt content in the air. However, the future trend of microelectronics becomes more demanding. We must put on more efforts in R&D and develop higher air-cleaning capacities to meet market requirement.
A large group of people needs special medical care, such as patients with open wound during surgery, those with extensive body burns without epidermal protection, premature babies, and carriers in highly infectious disease. Because of the partial or total loss of bodily functions, they need better protection, like from ill effects from the external environment. This requires a clean air environment. We can provide a strong and reliable safeguard against airborne bacteria and viruses, preventing local or systematic infections and preventing the spread of harmful microorganisms from restricted areas (such as quarantine areas and culture rooms).
The development of medicine, healthcare, nutriment, and GMF are all inseparable from the R&D and breakthrough in the biotechnological sector. Under the strict standards of GMP and FDA, the purification equipment ensures the production and proper equipment storage of pharmaceutical factories and biochemical labs and prevents the contamination and leakage of bacteria and microorganisms in labs, to support the endless pursuit of human life research.
Compared with solar, wind, and tidal energy, nuclear energy is more efficient, more stable, and more controllable. During production, nuclear power plants generate high-temperature air with radioactive dust. Preventing the leakage of these extremely harmful gases requires a special air cleaning system. As we all know, Japan leads the world in the utilization of nuclear energy, and its nuclear industry is extremely demanding on related facilities. In Japan, we have participated in the construction of all 61 nuclear power plants (51 in operation, one out of operation, and nine under construction, as well as 24 related supporting facilities), and have participated in the formulation of standards for the application of nuclear technology in cleaning industry. In the United States, we also took part in the development of the first nuclear weapons in human history (mainly involved in the nuclear disposal projects). We believe, the various types of filters featuring large air volume and high temperature resistance designed for nuclear power plants will be increasingly applied worldwide with the promotion of peaceful use of nuclear energy.
With the growing concern about health issues, the food industry has become more stringent in the production environment. Bacteria are the main cause of food spoilage. In the production process, to ensure the number of harmful bacteria is below the established standard, manufacturers must not only keep good control of the water quality, raw material, and temperature, but also maintain the level of clean air in the workshop. Our products can effectively intercept harmful bacteria floating in the air, floating dusts, and particles emitted from human sources, providing strong guarantee for product quality and sanitation.
With the development of urban architecture and the increasing of commercial buildings, indoor air quality has begun to play a more important role in the air-conditioning system in closed environment. Researches show that floating dust in a closed environment needs to be controlled for the purpose of sanitation and prevention of infection sources. Our filters such as NEO-PAC Filter, NEO-FLO Filter, and ChemArrestCL can effectively reduce the content of floating dust in the air, improve air quality, and offer a good working and living environment.